School is both a societal institution anchored in tradition and at the same time a dynamic factor in the process of restructuring modern society.
This is a fact – or a dilemma – which places special demands on the various actors involved with school; pupils, teachers and parents. Where school was previously an institution which mediated knowledge and values and furnished successive generations with the needed skills, the task of school today and in the coming years is of quite a different nature. While stability and knowledge were the accepted values in the school of yesterday, change and renewal will be positive ingredients in the school of tomorrow.
The wish of pupils to participate in determining the development and tempo will place teachers in completely new roles, where pedagogy, didactics and method will be subject to ongoing restructuring.
These new teacher roles will on the one hand contain a set of values where human resources are given a high priority on society's agenda, and on the other hand assume an active part in the ongoing pedagogical restructuring which accompanies a society undergoing constant change.
The course, "Pedagogical Restructuring" is aimed at groups of teachers who wish to work with this issue.
The Purpose Of The Course
The in-service training course will work with the values needed in a pedagogical restructuring process, where the curriculum will provide pupils with the kinds of challenges that will put school in a better position to keep pupils within an educational context, where room is made for the particular capacities of the individual and the group, and where their participation in social contexts is strengthened.
The in-service training course therefore takes its starting point in the intersection of ethics, philosophy, pedagogy and psychology.