Study Groups

Study Group 2: Learning to Read in the Quality School

Study Group Moderator: Cliff Warwick

Cliff is the Adviser for Special Educational Needs (SEN) for the City and County of Swansea in Wales (UK). He is a registered school inspector and an associate lecturer. His professional background is as a teacher of children and young people with SEN in both mainstream and special schools.

Children start school at different stages of their development. Many have already begun to read whilst others still need to learn many pre-reading skills. The school has the responsibility to develop the reading skills and experience of each child from their varying starting points.

Educational research into differences in schools' performance indicates what aspects of a school's functioning make a significant contribution to improvements in quality.

Three broad aspects of a school can be identified as being particularly important:

  • The ethos and culture of the school
  • Whole-school policies and organisational systems
  • Classroom organisation, resources and strategies

A successful inclusive school is one that creates a learning environment in which all children and young people are enabled to develop, progress and achieve to their potential.

Discussion in this Study Group will focus on issues about school improvement in relation to reading.

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