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  Reading the texts | Undertaking the tasks | Communicating at a distance |
The role of the local tutor | The role of the study group moderator

Communicating at a Distance

There are a number of ways in which you can communicate with your tutor and with teachers who are participating in the course from other countries in Europe.

You can:

  • Send an E-mail message to an individual

E-mail is a ‘private’ way of communicating. Only the person to whom you address it will be able to read it. You will want to use this mode for communicating with your tutor. Your tutor will send messages to you in this form.

  • Send an E-mail message to a small group

You can ‘copy’ an e-mail message to several recipients – no one else will be able to read the message.

You can find participants’ e-mail addresses in their ‘profiles’ at the Course Website.


  • Send a message of general interest, a greeting or an announcement to the Bulletin Board

When your tutor has sent you your password, you can enter a message in the online form and it will appear on the bulletin board where it can be read by all the participants (and tutors) in the TESS Network. You can read and respond to other people’s messages which are posted on the Bulletin Board.

  • Write a specific contribution to a focused discussion in a Study Group

When you have your password you can also join in discussions in any of the Study Groups (to be found at the Course Website. The Study Groups are for focused discussion about particular topics covered in the course units. You can read the contributions of others, which are listed by their topic or ‘thread’ and/or you can add a contribution. To contribute, you fill in an online form and then click the ‘Submit’ button.

You can both respond to an existing discussion ‘thread’ and start a new thread by giving your contribution a different heading.
It is recommended that you visit the Study Group(s) regularly.
Your contribution is very important.