Preparing for the Course | Doing the Course | Enrol| Change Language|
  What is the course about? | What is "Open Distance Learning? | What are the entry requirments for the course? | How is the course structured? | When do I have to do each unit? | How do I enrol? | What happens next?

When do I have to do each Module?

This course is an Open and Distance Learning Course. This means you have considerable flexibility about when and where and how you complete it.

You will need to set time aside for the following activities:

Activities in each molule


Reading the texts

Discussion with colleague (local)


- exploration of ideas

reflection of practice, including discussion with other European teachers via ‘meeting point’


You can allocate time to undertaking the modules according to your own needs and wishes. You may wish to finish a unit within a few days or to do so over a number of weeks. We suggest that you discuss this with your local colleague(s) and organise times and places to meet and talk which are suitable to you all.

Although the authors of the course have designed the course modules to follow the order indicated by the unit numbers (1-6), you may wish to approach them in a different order, perhaps beginning with a unit whose subject you are already familiar with or feel especially interested in. You have the flexibility to follow the course modules in whatever order suits you.

To help you in this, links have been made between the different modules, so that you can ‘look up’ key terms and ideas which are explained elsewhere in the text.

When you join the course you will be asked (as your first task) to produce a study plan showing when you intend to work on each of the modules and in what order. The purpose of the study plan is to enable all the course participants to know who is studying a particular unit at any particular time, to aid discussion and the sharing of ideas with teachers elsewhere in Europe.

The study plan will also provide you with clear deadlines as to when you need to complete the different elements of the course.