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PHASE 1, September 1998-October 1998
Definition phase

  1. Collection of data and results from relevant studies
  2. Analysis of existing data
  3. Final definition of hypotheses
  4. Website preparation (design)

PHASE II, November 1998-February 1999
General study

  1. Identification of data/information missing
  2. Formulation of questions to be put to teachers
  3. Collection of new data through the project "SocraTESS ODL Network"
  4. Analysis of data
  5. Website development, update, maintenance

PHASE III, March 1999-July 1999
Preparation for specific guidelines

  1. Identification of model practice
  2. Formulation of supplementary questions
  3. Collection of supplementary data from selected teachers/schools in "SocraTESS ODL Network" project
  4. Analysis of data
  5. Website development, update and maintenance
  6. Formulation of guidelines

PHASE IV, August 1999
Evaluation and dissemination

  1. Dissemination of results
  2. Evaluation and reporting
  3. CD-Rom production
  4. Website development, update and maintenance

Four meetings are foreseen in relation to:

  1. Final definition of hypothesis
  2. Identification of model practice
  3. Formulation of guidelines
  4. Evaluation and reporting

The following concrete/tangible results will be produced:

  • Website
  • CD-Rom with all material and results during the project period
  • Database

Both the Website and the CD-Rom will contain the guidelines.
