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Project Outcomes
Intended outcomes of euroREAD

  • Describe and find the common factors that determine why some teachers are open to change and why some are not.
  • Creating a model on which it is possible to build a larger study, regarding teachers' ability to adopt changes.
  • Development of a database, which contains data about each country' characteristics regarding what factors that determine the teachers ability to change.

Main target groups for euroREAD
The target groups for the euroREAD project in all EU-countries will be all actors involved in teaching planning and training notably:

  1. Teachers
  2. Schools/school boards
  3. Teacher training colleges
  4. Educational development institutions
  5. Ministries of Education

Dissemination of the project outcomes
The results will be reported back (progress reports, evaluation reports) on a running basis from all levels of the project. These will be accessible on the project's web pages for Information and Results.

The partnership contains an obligation towards ensuring that the results of the project are mediated through the partnership's communication systems in the form of press coverage, publishing of reports and evaluations in the partner's own language. The national co-ordinator is responsible for this type of circulation of the results of the project.

The dissemination of knowledge about and results from the project will occur through a general access page to the project's information pages on the World Wide Web. Here, all the information concerning the project will be written in. This information can likewise be downloaded from European and national web services, for example, Socrates html or the TESS network homepage on the address: www.tess.dk/tess.

The project outcomes will also be disseminated through a conference hold in Aarhus, Denmark. The invited persons will all be experts or leaders of institutions that deals with reading difficulties. The conference will take place in October 1999.