The world is changing
There are new things we have to consider - not every weekday but every single day.
Is it a threat - or a challenge? How do we eliminate the internal as well as the external barriers?
The pedagogical database contains soft information on hypotheses, national observations and observations of a subjective nature that draw attention to differences among national teaching staff and which can be attributed to recruitment, further training and professional organization. EuroREAD will develop a database capable of registering information relating to factors deemed necessary in connection with establishing teachers' possibilities for changing their pedagogical practise, and factors describing teachers' ability to change this practise. The factors can be divided into the following areas.
One can describe most of these factors as "soft personality values" and values which are therefore difficult to make visible and measure. For this reason the database must collect information directly from the teachers, in the form of questionnaires (evaluation), and analyses of project results, which have been achieved and described by the teachers themselves. The database will be accessible at the end of February 2000